This game mode allows a player to challenge other players in combat. Players can earn a fixed amount of RSC when winning the PVP match daily. For the non rank PVP the amount of RSC given is fixed. Players can play PVP as many times as they want but players can earn RSC only if they use a X'ord and win the PVP match.
Arena tournament
Begin after the open beta is launched for about 1 months. Players can participate in the arena tournament which is similar to normal PVP. Players still get RSC when they use a X'ord and defeat an opponent. However, the major difference between normal PVP and an arena tournament is arena point and ranking. Normally, when a player enters a PVP battle, he/she will match with a random player with no restriction, then gain RSC if he/she uses a X'ord and win the match. On the other hand, when a player enters the arena tournament he/she will play against a player with approximate rank. This rank is defined by arena points which a player will receive after the match. If a player wins the arena, he/she still gains arena points with or without using a X'ord before combat. If a player loses the arena, he/she will lose points instead. At the end of each Arena season XTAL will be distributed among the top arena rank players. The higher rank player will receive more XTAL than lower rank player. In addition, top 10 arena rank players may receive other in game items such as unique skins or titles. Amount of XTAL for the tournament reward is intensively calculated from the play-to-earn portion of tokens distribution. Numbers of ranks who are rewarded and amount of XTAL received will be varied season to season depending on the economical state of the game.
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